Our free one-on-one support counseling program is here to help you overcome any barriers that are in the way of your personal goals. We’re dedicated to empowering individuals of color and our team represents the communities we serve.
How Does Support Counseling Work?
You will meet one-on-one with a counselor over the phone, through video call, in person at CAS, or at a public space like a coffee shop near you
Your counselor will follow your lead to learn about your personal goals and any barriers that are keeping you from meeting them
Your counselor will help you overcome any barriers and work towards your goal
On completing counseling, you’ll get a gift card
What Can Support Counseling Help Me With?
Resume writing and career preparation
Making and getting transportation to healthcare appointments
Getting referrals to specialist appointments, like the dentist or gynecologist
Getting connected to local housing resources
Talking through personal challenges and goals
And more
Give us a call at 716.852.5969 or visit us at 3297 Bailey Ave. to learn more and get enrolled in our free support counseling program.